Banking Notes

Risks in Bank & Financial Institutions – बैंकिङ कारोवारमा निहित जोखिमहरु

What is Risk? Risk is an uncertain future outcome that tends to make loss or injury in an organization. It is an element of investment.  The possibility of variation of actual return from the expected return is a risk. Risk cannot be avoided but can be managed. Why do we talk about risk? All the […]

Risks in Bank & Financial Institutions – बैंकिङ कारोवारमा निहित जोखिमहरु Read More »

What are Fixed Assets and Depreciation? Methods of Depreciation

What are the fixed assets? Fixed assets are those assets which are purchased for long-term use and are not likely to be converted quickly into cash, such as land, buildings, and equipment. Some examples of fixed assets are as follows – Land Building Vehicles Machinery Furniture and Fixtures Office Equipment Nature of fixed assets It

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Capital and Capital Fund of Bank and Financial Institutions

Provisions of Capital, Capital fund and Liquidity Assets of B&FIs as per the BAFIA 2073 Paid up Capital Paid-up Capital refers to the amount that has been received by the company through the issue of shares to the shareholders. Simply, the money injected into the firm by the shareholders in exchange for the shares purchased by

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Conflict Management | Causes and Approached of Conflict Management

What is Conflict? There are many ways of describing conflict however in overall the conflict can be described as a disagreement among groups or individuals characterized by antagonism and hostility. Conflict always does not necessarily affect the organization, but if a conflict is managed properly, it will result in a positive impact on an organization.

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What are the modes of payment in banking and financial institutions?

What are the modes of payment in banking and financial institutions? Different modes of payments are Cash Cheque Draft SWIFT Fax Transfer Mail Transfer Letter of Credit Mobile/Online/Internet Banking Bills of Exchange Card – Debit/Credit Promissory Note Cash – Cash payment is a very basic, traditional and common mode of payment. In this case, the buyer

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Banking History & Current Status.

Download Notes: English Nepali नेपालमा बैंकिङ विकासक्रमः प्राचीनकालः प्राचीनकालमा साहू महाजनहरुले गर्ने व्यावसायिक कारोबारलाई बैंकको आधारस्तम्भ मान्ने गरिन्छ कर्जा लिएबापत घिउ, अन्न, ठेकी, श्रम आदि व्याज लिने गरिन्थ्यो । गोरखाका राजा राम शाहले वार्षिक व्याज नगदको सयकडा दश र जिन्सीको सयकडा बीस निर्धारण गरी जतिसुकै व्याज खप्टिएर पनि नगदको साँवा बराबर मात्र र जिन्सीमा साँवाको दोब्बर सम्म लिन पाउने व्यवस्था गरेका थिए । प्राचीन

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What are the points to be remembered by a bank staff while handling cheques? Mention.

What are the points to be remembered by a bank staff while handling cheques? Mention. A written documents of the account holder that orders a bank to pay a specific amount of money in which the cheque has been issued. Following things should be considered by bank staff: Date of cheque should not be more

What are the points to be remembered by a bank staff while handling cheques? Mention. Read More »

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