ADBL Online Exam Set 6

Loksewa Aayog Agricultural Development Bank (ADBL) Prasasan Sewa Level-4 & 5 Exam लोक सेवा आयोग कृषि विकास बैंक, प्रशासन सेवा, प्रशासन समुह तह-४,५ सहायक पदको खु‌ला प्रतियोगितात्मक परिक्षा.

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Loksewa Aayog Agricultural Development Bank (ADBL) Prasasan Sewa Level-4 & 5 Exam लोक सेवा आयोग कृषि विकास बैंक, प्रशासन सेवा, प्रशासन समुह तह-४,५ सहायक पदको खु‌ला प्रतियोगितात्मक परिक्षा.

1 / 25

Which is the first country to legalize Bitcoin?

2 / 25

When was Emmanuel Macron re-elected as the President of France?

3 / 25

Which is the year declared to be celebrated as sustainable mountain year by the government of Nepal?

4 / 25

In which country has it been decided to keep the secretariat of the South Asian Olympic Council?

5 / 25

How many categories has the government classified the local level?

6 / 25

When was the official ball of the Qatar World Cup football announced?

7 / 25

How many days did the Nepali satellite 'Nepali Sat-1' fall in space?

8 / 25

When was Nepal re-elected to the United Nations Human Rights Council?

9 / 25

Pike Danda (also known as the hidden diamond) is situated in which district with a view from Kanchenjunga in the east to Dhaulagiri Himal in the west?

10 / 25

How much annual fee must be paid to Nepal Rastra Bank to obtained license of money changer for convertible currency purchase transaction?

11 / 25

Which share is not convertible?

12 / 25

When did the shadar muluki khana started published the Nepalese currency note?

13 / 25

Which body coordinates between the Government of Nepal and Nepal Rastra Bank?

14 / 25

Dividends are paid to shareholders out of the…….

15 / 25

सम्पति सुद्धिकरण (मनी लाउन्डरिङ्ग) ऐन २०६४ को कति दफामा लिलाम विक्री गर्न सकिने सम्वन्धी व्यवस्था गरिएको छ ।

16 / 25

नेपालमा नोटकोषको कारोबार कहिलेबाट शुरु भएको हो ?

17 / 25

Which is not a font style?

18 / 25

Confidentially with asymmetric- key cryptosystem has its own:

19 / 25

WWW stands for:

20 / 25

Which of the following refers to associative memory?

21 / 25

The part of machine level instruction, which tells the central processor what has to be done is:

22 / 25

नेपालको संविधान, २०७२ को मस्यौदा समितिका संयोजक को रहेका थिए ?

23 / 25

Macro economics is concerned with:

24 / 25

Adam Smith wrote wealth of nation in:

25 / 25

नेपालको संविधान अनुसार 'दुरसचार' कसको अधिकार सूची भित्र पर्दछ ?

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