What is Profit and Loss Account? | के हो नाफा नोक्सान खाता ?

What is Profit and Loss Account?

  • Profit and loss account is a financial statement which presents the income, gain, losses, and expenses of the firm on a given period of time.
  • It shows the financial performance of the firm because the PL account presents the net profit and net loss.
  • It is the presentation of revenue nature transactions debit side holds the expenses and losses and credit side records income and gain.
  • It is a ledger of nominal account.
  • It discloses the profit and loss of the organization so it is also called financial performance indicator.

Methods of preparing PL account

  • Before making the PL account, we have to prepare a trading account in order to find gross profit and loss.
  • If there is a provision of a regulator then it is mandatory to use the format provided by NRB otherwise follow the accounting standard.
  • All expenses and losses are charged on the debit side and income and gain should be on the credit side.
  • The organization can use a traditional “T” format or modern vertical format.
  • Revenue nature transactions are included.
  • B&FIs follow the unified directive no. 4 by NRB by using vertical format.
  • Interest income is recorded on a cash basis and other transactions are recorded in accrual basis. [There is no trading account in the bank]

Example of PL account

PL account normal format (Traditional T format)

Profit and loss account of ABC firm for the period of Shrawan 1, 2075 to Ashad 31, 2076

To gross loss b/d0By gross profit10,00,000
To office and administrative expenses7,00,000By revenue income12,00,000
To selling and distribution expenses4,00,000By revenue gain1,00,000
To interest expenses2,00,000By net loss c/d0
To revenue losses1,00,000
To tax expenses2,00,000
To net profit c/d7,00,000

PL account banking format (Vertical format)

ParticularsNote NoAmount in Crore
Interest income600
Interest expense250
Net interest income350
Fee & Commission income150
Fee & Commission expense70
Net fee & commission income80
Net interest, fee and commission income430
Net trading income50
Other operating income100
Total operating income580
Loan loss provision90
Net operating income490
Personnel expenses280
Other operating expense20
Depreciation & Amortization50
Operating profit140
Non-operating income60
Non-operating expense50
Profit before income tax150
Income tax expense
Current tax80
Deferred tax10
Profit of the year60

Importance of Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Account and Cash Flow Statement

Balance SheetProfit & Loss AccountCash Flow Statement
To show financial positionTo show financial performanceTo show statement of change in financial position
To provide info about capital nature transactionTo provide info about revenue nature transactionTo present all activities systematically via operating, investing and financing activities
– To provide capital and revenue nature cash related transation
To create transparencyTo create transparencyTo create transparency
To maintain financial disciplineTo maintain financial disciplineTo maintain financial discipline
To support for auditingTo support for auditingTo support for auditing
To create culture of accountabilityTo create culture of accountabilityTo create culture of accountability
To complete financial statementTo complete financial statementTo complete financial statement
To analyze strength and weakness of the firmTo analyze strength and weakness of the firmTo analyze strength and weakness of the firm
To support corporate good governanceTo support corporate good governanceTo support corporate good governance
It is statement only not ledgerIt is ledger of nominal account
It is prepared in point of timeIt is prepared in period of time
Elements- Capital, Assets, LiabilitiesElements – income, gain, losses, expenses

Similarities Between Balance Sheet and PL Account

  • Both are the quantitative expression of historical data
  • Both are prepared by trial balance
  • Both follow accounting cycle i.e input, process, and output
  • Both support to show a financial statement
  • Both support corporate governance
  • Both show transparency

Interdependency between balance sheet and PL account

Balance sheet and PL account are supplementary to each other

  1. Net profit and loss of the PL account should be charged on the capital side of the balance sheet.
  2. Depreciation which is deducted from respective assets on balance sheet must be recorded on the debit side of PL account.
  3. Outstanding expenses which are added on the respective heading of expenses of PL account must be charged on the liability side of the balance sheet.
  4. Provision for bad debt which is deducted from the debtor on balance sheet must be recorded on the debit side of PL account.

By observing the above facts about the balance sheet and PL account, we can conclude that balance sheet and PL account are not only competitive but also supplementary to each other.

Q) What are balance sheet and PL account? How they are interdependent to each other? 

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