BAFIA Act 2073 MCQ Set 1

Loksewa BAFIA Act 2073 MCQ Set for NRB ,ADBL, NBL& Private banks Prasasan Sewa Level-3/4/5 Exam लोक सेवा BAFIA Act 2073 Mcq Set for NRB, ADBL, NBL& Private banks, प्रशासन सेवा, प्रशासन समुह तह-3/4/5  कनिष्ठ सहायक पदको खु‌ला प्रतियोगितात्मक परिक्षा.

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BAFIA Act 2073 Set 1

BAFIA Act 2073 Mcq Set for NRB, ADBL, NBL & Private banks.

1 / 20

When was the BAFIA authenticated and published?

2 / 20

Any Director or shareholder is said to have 'Financial interests' in any institution, if he/she have subscribed of share of that institution.

3 / 20

Any chief executive or family member of such person or the person, company or corporate body having authority to appoint a Director is said to have a financial interest in the institution if they subscribe............... shares of a firm, company or corporate body, separately or jointly.

4 / 20

According to the BAFIA, 2073 what is divided portion of share capital of bank or financial institution' called as?

5 / 20

According to the BAFIA, 2073, a person having ownership in a share of the bank of a financial institution is known as...

6 / 20

Which is the loan that is disbursed after having an agreement between a bank or financial institution and borrower against the collateral security of the stock having retained such stock under the possession of the concerned borrower?

7 / 20

For a person to be qualified for the incorporation of a bank or financial institution, who have been blacklisted in any transaction with a bank or financial institution, should pass the period of.............year after having such blacklisting.

8 / 20

According to BAFIA, 2073, what is the tenure or term of the office of CEO for one single period?

9 / 20

Who appoints the CEO?

10 / 20

For how many instance or term of office the CEO can be appointed in the same post?

11 / 20

To whom the CEO his accounted for his work?

12 / 20

NRB has categorized the bank and Financial institution into ..........class.

13 / 20

Who decide about the paid up capital of bank and financial institution?

14 / 20

The Rastra Bank may make provisions of up to any one bank or financial institution can be invested by any person, firm, a company of percentage of the paid-up capital of institution?

15 / 20

What percent of the net profits of each fiscal year has to be added to the Genera Reserve fund after paid-up capital is doubled by the bank and financial institution.

16 / 20

Bank and financial institution shall have to obtain prior approval of the...before declaring and distribute dividends.

17 / 20

When should Bank and financial institutions have to submit a balance sheet, profit, and loss account to the Rastra Bank?

18 / 20

The Board of Directors of the bank of a financial institution shall have to form an Audit Committee comprising of ........ members unit the headship of one none executive Directors.

19 / 20

A Bank of a financial institution shall have to publish the audited balance sheet of every fiscal year and profit and loss account of the transactions with and outside Nepal as in the prescribed forms and within....months of next fiscal year.

20 / 20

Who appoints the auditors?

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